Terms and Conditions

Registration Important Dates

*The tickets for the Pearl River Night Cruise on August 28th have sold out. Newly enrolled attendees will be unable to join the cruise.
Real-name registration is required for the Pearl River Night Cruise. Registered participants, please complete your registration via this link.

Registration Deadlines

Early registrations will be accepted until midnight AoE, July 5, 2024(Extended to July 14, 2024 23:59:59. GMT+8, Guangzhou Local Time). Should your registration remain unpaid on July 6, 2024, early registrations will be upgraded to the standard registration fee.

Registration Modification and Cancellation
For cancellations received prior to midnight AoE, July 5, 2024, registration fees will be refunded less a service charge of $50 USD or equivalent amount of 365 CNY/390 HKD. Refunds will be made after the event.

Alternatively, until a badge is issued, the registration can be transferred to another person for an administrative service charge of $50 USD or equivalent amount of 365 CNY/390 HKD. Deadline for Registration Transfers: midnight AoE, July 5, 2024.

An administrative service fee of $50 USD or equivalent amount of 365 CNY/390 HKD per registration will be charged for every registration modification, including a name change.

Payment Conditions

All payments are to be made in CNY for China participants, and HKD/USD for international, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan participants. Taxes may increase without notice and any such change will be reflected in final rates.

Modifications, badge replacements, and new registrations made on-site will require immediate payment. An invoice to be settled upon receipt will be issued upon written confirmation. This invoice will act as a contract, and once issued, the above payment and cancellation conditions will apply.

Full payment is required at time of registration. No confirmation, or visa invitation letter will be sent until payment has been received.

No badge or login access will be delivered until full payment of open invoices is received.

Methods of Payment

Credit Card: only Visa, MasterCard, and UnionPay credit cards are accepted.
*Please note that the merchant’s name that will appear on your credit card statement will be "Macau Expo Group Limited" for Visa and Master Card and 珠海澳博会展有限公司 for payment made by UnionPay

Please add $50 USD to the Invoice amount to be paid to cover Wire Fees.

Bank Transfer

 Bank Name

 Bank of China, Macau Branch

 Bank Address

 Bank of China Building, Avenida Doutor Mario Soares, Macau

 Account Name

 Macau Expo Group Limited

 Account Number

 198810011250(USD) or 191120017232 (HKD)



 Payment Reference

 VLDB2024+ Your Name


 Ave do Dr. Rodrigo Rodrigues, No.223-225, Nam Kwong Building, 13/K, Macau

Bank Transfer for Mainland China Participants













General Conditions

Insurance, Release and Waiver of Liability

It is recommended that registrants obtain adequate travel, health, and accident insurance before departing from their respective country of residence.
VLDB 2024 and MEG, as event organizers, will not accept responsibility for personal injuries, or loss of, or damage to, private property belonging to the event Conference participants and accompanying persons. Registrants are required to inform themselves and to abide by local regulations accordingly.

Minimum Age

Individual registration to the Conference is limited to participants who are 18 years of age or older.
Registrants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a registered adult. Any attendance by any person who is under 18 years of age and is not accompanied by an adult is unauthorized and is in violation of these Terms and Conditions and will automatically result in the forfeiture of their registration. By registering to the Conference, you accept that identification and proof of age must be provided to Conference staff upon request.
By registering to the Conference you represent and warrant that you are 18 years of age or older or that you will be accompanied by a registered adult, and that you agree to and will abide by all of the Terms and Conditions of this Conference including the VLDB 2024 Code of Conduct.

Force Majeure

VLDB 2024, MEG event venue and event hotel(s) are not responsible for either the partial or total non-execution of the contract in the event of accident, natural disaster (either threatened or actual), war, curtailment or interruption of transportation facilities, threats or acts of terrorism, governmental travel or terrorism advisory, labor disruption due to strikes, lock out, civil disturbance, the issuance of a Travel Warning by the World Health Organization or any other cause beyond the parties' control which prevents the hotel(s) and /or venue from accommodating the clients of MCI for the event or if for the same reasons the event is cancelled by VLDB 2024. The Organizers may at their entire discretion refund the delegate fee and/or service charge paid by any Delegate or Exhibitor, or part thereof, but shall be under no obligation to refund the whole or part of such Delegate fee or service charge, and shall be under no liability to the Delegate or Exhibitor in respect of any actions, claims, losses (including consequential losses), costs or expenses whatsoever which may be brought against or suffered or incurred by the Delegate or Exhibitor, as the result of the happening of any such event.

Photography/Videography Disclosure
As a registered attendee of the Conference, you agree to grant permission for VLDB 2024 and MEG to use your likeness in a photograph or video in any and all of its publications and presentations, including website entries, without payment or any other consideration; to authorize VLDB 2024 and MEG to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish or distribute the photograph or video for purposes of publicizing VLDB 2024 programs or for any other lawful purpose; to waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written or electronic copy, wherein your likeness appears; and that these materials will become the property of VLDB 2024 and MEG.

Letters of Invitation

Invitation letters for visa purposes will be issued to registered and paid delegates upon request. Request can be made directly on the registration portal where you can indicate your passport details. The letter will be generated automatically upon complete the payment. If you need a customized letter with additional information, please send us your request at vldb2024@iccmacao.com.
Invited speakers may request a visa letter before registering for the conference in exceptional cases. Please send us your request at vldb2024@iccmacao.com.
Kindly note that an invitation letter for visa purposes does not imply any obligation, financial or otherwise, by VLDB 2024. If you have any questions, regarding your letter, please email vldb2024@iccmacao.com.

Click here to register now!